Our Bedtime Top Tips

Our Bedtime Top Tips

When becoming a parent, the one thing you can guarantee is lack of sleep! On average, each new parent loses 109 minutes of sleep, every night for the first year after having a baby. Shock! 
So, we wanted to give you our bedtime top tips: 
It’s super important to create a bed time routine with a calm atmosphere half an hour before bedtime. This can be done in a few ways:
Dim the lights/use soft lighting
Give them a bath
Put them in fresh pyjamas
Change their nappy
Create a quiet environmentno TV and speak in a softer tone
When your baby wakes up in the middle of the night, it’s important to maintain the routine you have created. Keep the interaction with your baby to a limit, the last thing you want is your baby to think it’s their time to wake up and start their day at 2AM! It is also best to use your quiet voice during your wind down time and keep the lights dim when meeting your child’s needs. 
Wind down time is a great way for your baby to create an association with bed time routine. Although, it might not get you back your 109 minutes of sleep every night BUT it might get you closer!
Take a look at our website for our baby sleep suits which can help your baby get some more Zs at night time
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